In a quaint corner of Kitsap County, nestled amidst the streets of Bremerton, lies a timeless treasure trove waiting to be explored—the Kitsap History Museum. Stepping through its doors is like embarking on a captivating journey through the annals of time. From the...
In a world grappling with environmental challenges, entrepreneurs like Cecilli Pearse are leading the way in creating innovative solutions. Her company, Adsorbit, specializes in producing reusable products designed to clean up oil spills. With a commitment to...
Have you ever wondered what it takes to turn an ordinary vacation into an extraordinary adventure? Meet Amy Zinkhon, owner of Suitcases on Standby Travel and the remarkable travel agent and community advocate who is revolutionizing the way we plan our getaways. With...
In the bustling world of technology, finding reliable support can sometimes feel like an insurmountable challenge. But fear not! We have discovered a true gem in the digital realm – Laura Moynihan, the remarkable entrepreneur behind Digital Helpmates. With a passion...
Imagine a world where children spend their days immersed in the wonders of nature, exploring the changing seasons, and building lasting connections with peers and educators. In Bremerton, Washington, this vision is a reality through Barnacles & Bees, an outdoor...
In a world where profit margins often overshadow compassion, Navdeep Maju, the visionary behind Beyond Ride, is rewriting the rules of the transportation industry. With his dedication to affordable and accessible rides for all, Navdeep’s entrepreneurial journey...